Eligibility and Priority 申請資格及優先順序
- University-level exchange students 校級交換生
- College-level, department-level exchange students 院系所交換生
- Chinese Language Center students 華語生
- Visiting students 訪問生
- Degree students 學位生
- Other guests approved by the President or other authorities 其他經專案簽報校長或其授權人核准者
NCCU-iHouse Yearly Schedule 國際學生會館年度行事曆
- Remarks 1: For those who missed the application period for OIC, they can check the announcement on the NCCU-iHouse website to see if any rooms have been released. If vacancies are available, they can contact NCCU-iHouse via email at ihouse@nccu.edu.tw. 倘若您錯過國際合作事務處公告之申請時間,您可至國際會館網站查看是否有房間釋出。如仍有床位,您可透過電子郵件聯繫NCCU-iHouse。
- Remarks 2: Summer vacation accommodation applications open in June. Please refer to the online announcement. Winter vacation accommodation is only available for current NCCU-iHouse residents. 暑假住宿於6月開放申請,請參閱線上公告;寒假住宿僅國際會館住宿生得申請。
- Remarks 3: The duration of stay at NCCU-iHouse is 4.5 months per semester. Check-in and check-out dates will be based on the announcement from OIC. Payment is required for both summer and winter vacation accommodations. 學期住宿期間為4.5個月,住宿日期依照公告為主,非學期間住宿(寒暑假)需另行收費。
Housing Application Process 住宿申請流程