iHouse typhoon notice




中央氣象局準備發布颱風警報;由於颱風正往台灣靠近,請各位同學要密切觀察颱風動向,提早做好防颱準備(準備3日的食物與水),且注意門窗緊閉,且確保陽台排水孔暢通以預防室內淹水。 另外,請注意自身安全,盡量避免戶外活動,也請與家人朋友聯繫,讓他們知道你的行蹤。


*颱風天是否上班上課,請至查詢: http://www.dgpa.gov.tw/



1. 軍訓室 (24hr): 0919-099-119

2.外來人士在臺生活諮詢服務網服務熱線 (24hr): 0800-024111


人事行政總處網站      颱風動態




Dear residents,

According to the Central Weather Administration (https://www.cwa.gov.tw/eng/), Typhoon KRATHON is going to approach Taiwan soon. As expected, the typhoon may bring heavy rain and strong winds for 2-3 days, please be aware of your safety and avoid any outdoor activities to protect yourself on the typhoon day. In case that restaurants or supermarkets might be closed due to the typhoon, you can prepare 3 days’ food and potable water in advance. Keep the windows closed and clear the balcony drain to prevent flooding. Besides, please contact your parents, relatives, or friends and let them know your whereabouts. 

*Check if you need to attend classes on typhoon days: http://www.dgpa.gov.tw/ndse.html 

*You can get updated news about the typhoon from the website of Central Weather Bureau (English): https://www.cwa.gov.tw/V8/E/P/Typhoon/TY_WARN.html

*Emergency Contact Numbers:

1. NCCU-iHouse service counter (24HR): 2936-8869

2. NCCU Military Education Office (24HR): 0919-099-119

3. Hotline for Foreigners in Taiwan (24HR): 0800-024111   


